points displaying incidents can be misleading when there are multiple incidents at the same location yet the point appears the same.

points displaying incidents can be misleading when there are multiple incidents at the same location yet the point appears the same.

OK, This is cool.  You can perform online what would normally require the use of ArcGIS. This is especially helpful for those of us new to GIS.  For our first lesson I’d like to start off online using ArcGIS.com We’ll explore more of these options this semester

The crime analyst workflow is becoming easier and with the use of ModelBuilder you can spend more time on the analysis (later lesson).  Even easier is the use of browser based GIS where you can now perform (limited) GIS analysis.  As we perform some of the steps in the following steps please keep in mind there is a consequence for things being easier .. its Esri Credits.  For example, to locate 1000 addresses (we call this operation ‘geocode’ or sometimes called ‘pin mapping’) you will need to give Esri 40 Esri credits.  If you need to locate addresses (geocode) frequently, this may not be the cost efficient workflow and we’ll explore other options this semester.  But for now, enjoy the ability to perform GIS online!

Assignment Objective

Chief needs a display of the number of incidents for Halloween and counts to be displayed per Police Division.  Share the results online so she can interactively view on her laptop.

Obtain LAPD Data

  1. Download Incident Data for Halloween. So awesome .. data from 2010 to present .. don't download all the data (over 2 million incidents) or you can download more recent data for Halloween on this link

  2. Use the filter to isolate the Halloween incidents for 2019 and (3) Export to CSV file. See here for demo

  3. Open in Excel & examine

  4. Is there an address field? If so, we are not going to use it as there is a Longitude and Latitude.

  5. Close Excel

Display LAPD Divisions in GIS (online)

  1. Open a browser such a Chrome

  2. visit the website www.ArcGIS.com

  3. Select Map.

  4. Select Add


  5. Select to Search layers. Change My Content to ArcGIS Online (it will search the GIS Community)


  6. Search for LAPD Divisions (see image below). Before we add to the Map, lets examine who is providing the data to make sure we have a good source! Select the name of the source to view more information (select n5875_lahub as displayed on the right).

  7. Patty is a GIS Supervisor with LA City. Here is her Linkedin. Return to the previous browser tab and add the LAPD Division layer to the map.

  8. While we are here .. please Save! You may need to add a tag and a summary.


  1. Change the basemap to “Human Geography Map” (it may already be Human Geography)
